
MOMENTS~ Friday FEB 20, 2009

I am consistently coming across clients recovering from heart attack and Cardio Vasc. Disease.
It has become the number one killer in our nation, and even worse, completely preventable.
But that being said, what a phenomenal data base these encounteers
have been causing me to develope.
The research and resources are miraculously powerful.
It is my prayer I will continue to be placed in a position where I can speak life to people.
I am so thankful that in spite of my need to run ahead and do my own thing; my compulsion to be Lord over my own life, God still has HIS PLAN & HIS PACE.
More than my ability to follow, I trust HIS ability to lead.
He will cause me to walk in my path.
Today I choose to set aside my agenda, my frantic worries, and my overwhelming "ta-do" pile, and choose to say that my steps are ordered.
I roll all my cares upon Him, and in all things He causes me to triumph.
Today I choose a directed, purpose life.

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